Friday, April 20, 2012

Stupid Heffer

Ok, so I know that I'm not really a people person, but c'mon now. Where exactly did all of the common sense and courtesy go in the world? I am so sick of the "I'm entitled to everything on my terms" mentality that everyone seems to have nowadays. Everyone thinks that just because they want something, they should get it. "You want $50 for that? Here, I'll give you $5. What? You won't take my offer? Well then, you're a #@&*$(@)@." GRRR!!! Stupid Heffer!!

Ok, so here's what happened this morning.....

I belong to a "selling" site on Facebook. It's really similar to Craigslist, but it's done on FB. Anyway...I am trying to sell some dishes on there. This morning, someone posted that they were looking for red & black kitchen items, so I tagged her in the photo of my dishes. It is 2 sets of dishes and I'm asking $60 OBO. She looked at them & commented that she only wanted to spend $20-25. I commented that the lowest I would go was $40, but thanks. So instead of just leaving it like that, she had to come back on saying something about why would she spend $40 on USED when she could buy new for $49.99? I let her know that I paid $79.99 EACH set and there are 2 sets. So she posted a link to them. Which was for the WRONG dishes. I posted the right link & told her that it was fine if she didn't want to buy them for what I was asking, but she didn't have to be rude about it. And she says "I'm not being rude". WTF?!?!? Really?!?!?

I just don't get people!! I am sooo wearing my "Angry Eyes" this morning!!

Oh, I've also decided that I'm going to quit biting my tongue all the time when this crap happens. If you act like a moron, I'm gonna call you out!