Wednesday, May 2, 2012


My 3 year old loves to go to story time at the library every Thursday morning and then we go to the park afterwards for play time.  I usually try to pack a lunch, but last week I was running late and just didn't get to it.  Since McDonald's is on the way, I figured we would just swing through the drive thru for some $1.99 Happy Meals and take them to the park. 

The drive thru and parking lot there were not very well planned out, but whatever.  So I'm waiting in the long line, when we all get to move up a spot.  Then everyone in front of me starts to move up again, when all of a sudden the truck in front of me decides to throw it into reverse.  There was a truck backing out of a parking spot, which I guess the guy in front of me thought he was going to hit him.  So what's the idiot do?  Instead of letting that guy hit him and it being his fault, he backs up right into me.  I was laying on the horn, a truck full of guys eating their lunches were yelling at him, but he just came right on back.  Put his HUGE hitch (it was a drilling company work truck) right into my front bumper.  Then he started to pull up like he didn't know it happened.  Really?  Could you not feel that sudden stop?  Or hear that loud crunch?  So the guys eating started yelling at him about how he ran into me & killed my car. 

My poor truck!  My baby!  I LOVE my truck!

He got out and checked out my destroyed bumper and started saying something about how he thought the other guys was going to hit him and blah blah something about it wasn't his fault blah blah blah.  Um....yeah, it IS your fault.  Whatever, I mean, accidents happen, noone was hurt.  We pulled out of the way, he called his boss, whom I spoke to and she assured me it would be taken care of and said she would call me the next day to discuss it more.  And you know what?  She did call and it was taken care of!  This all happened last Thursday and here it is only Wednesday and the bumper has been paid for and is in the process of being painted. 

So, even though it totally sucked that my baby (truck) got hurt, it's super awesome to find a company who takes responsibility and acts so quickly to make things right.